Distributed generators

Flexitricity has been delivering demand response revenue for distributed generators longer than anyone in the industry.

We know that every site is different and protecting core business processes always takes priority. That’s why we take a tailored commercial and technical approach. We take time to understand each site’s unique requirements and daily running schedules, which allows us to recommend the best combination of services.

The opportunity:

  • On-site generation such as CHPs, heat pumps, renewables with battery storage and abated diesel back-up generators are an excellent source of flexibility, enabling you to reduce costs and earn revenue from a range of energy market opportunities.
  • Requirement for flexibility is growing and the market is set to triple by 2030—to £2.4 billion in revenue to flexibility providers.
  • Flexible generators play a major role in decarbonising our energy system and in the UK’s transition to net zero—while progressing their own environmental ambitions.
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Distributed Generators

Optimising revenue:

Maximising value from on-site generation is a balance between:

  • sustaining core business operations;
  • getting the most out of your power purchase agreement (PPA), wholesale market trading and the Balancing Mechanism; and
  • cost avoidance through triad management and other methods, as well as earning additional revenue from the Capacity Market and applicable balancing services.


We work with a wide range of sizes and types of generating assets across a variety of sectors—commercial growers, foodservices, universities, hospitals, water utilities, community energy projects, and many more.

We identify the flexibility your assets have outside of the core site requirement and make that flexibility available to National Grid at the right time and the right price, maximising revenue for the site.

Key revenue sources:

Get in touch today

Book a call with one of our energy market specialists to find out if you can participate and how much your site could earn.

0131 221 8100

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