Flexitricity is the demand response pioneer—our innovations have shaped demand-side flexibility since 2004. We're on a mission to create a greener and fairer energy system where everyone benefits.
Here are some of the projects we're currently working on:
- Innovative domestic EV Charging project with CrowdCharge: investigating ways to balance the peaks of electricity use associated with charging EVs at home.
- Quickturn: first realistic opportunity for smaller commercial energy users across Britain to benefit from demand side response.
Some of our past projects and 'firsts':
- First trade using the Balancing Mechanism Wider Access route to market
- First to trade a demand response asset in the Balancing Mechanism
- Footroom / Demand Turn-up - Britain’s first system for making use of excess wind power
- First aggregated Enhanced Frequency Control Capability (EFCC) call
- First aggregated Frequency Control by Demand Management (FCDM) call
- First aggregated Short-term Operating Reserve (STOR) call
- First post-fault dispatch for distribution networks
- First open-market demand response portfolio in GB
Get in touch today
Book a call with one of our energy market specialists to find out if you can participate and how much your site could earn.
0131 221 8100